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What's on?

Here are dates for your diary 2022-2023. We try to host as many polocrosse events in East Anglia as possible. If you'd like us to host one near you, please do get in touch.
🏁 18 September stick and ball on grass
🏁 24/25 September Pony Club Autumn Challenge
🏁 Indoor series:
Oct 23 Orwell Arena
Nov 26 Beechwood EC
Dec 29 Wix EC
Jan 22 Orwell Arena
Feb 25 Beechwood EC
March 25 Topthorn Arena

We are really proud of the work that we do in the Eastern region to develop the sport of Polocrosse. If you are interested in hosting a demo, a private clinic at your livery yard or a badge day at your riding centre, club or Branch then drop us a line. We are currently booking for 2022/23.

By booking onto one of our events you are agreeing to the following disclaimer:
No claim can be accepted by the organisers or hosts for any loss, damage or injury caused to or suffered by any horse, pony, competitor, onlooker, attendant or other person or vehicle or any other property in connection with or arising from these polocrosse events, whether or not the said injury, loss or damage is caused by negligence of the organisers, their servants or agents.
The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the Health and Safety of everyone present.
For these measures to be effective everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser and all officials.
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